VIKING Guardian

VIKING and top firefighters created the Guardian suit, providing superior particle protection with a unique outer shell and customizable materials.

Customizable models

The VIKING Guardian can be configured to accommodate your needs

Available with PartX™ Particle Protection

Protection against hazardous particles

Available with VIKING IRS Rescue System

Increased safety when working in altures

Ultimate Particle Protection

THE VIKING Guardian was developed in cooperation with active firefighters to enhance protection against hazardous particles. It has a detachable outer shell and customizable hi-tech material combinations to help minimize exposure to potential carcinogens.

How it works

Detachable Outer Shell

The VIKING Guardian features a detachable outer shell that firefighters can remove after a fire, leaving an inner liner that is fully wearable for debriefing and the return to base.

Protective inner liner

The suit’s inner liner remains protective against common dangerous chemicals, meeting the 1971 NFPA Standard, even without an outer shell.

VIKING PartX™ Washing Bag

Before entering the fire engine, the outer shell is placed in the PARTX® Washing Bag, isolating carcinogens and harmful particles from firefighters and their environment during transport, washing and storage.

Design and Comfort

The design prioritizes firefighter comfort, incorporating detailed features, such as easy integration of communication equipment.

  • Pre-Bent Knees and Elbows: The standard suit offers pre-bent knees and elbows, a removable hood, and adjustable flexibility for various work situations.

  • Durability: Reinforced with Para-Aramid at arms, knees, pockets, and hems, it ensures durability.

  • Innovative Multi-Piece Design: Allows for easy inspection and replacement of defective or worn parts, extending the suit’s lifespan.

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