VIKING Fire Hood PartX™

VIKING’s triple-layered hood provides extended protection for your neck, ears, and jaw from harmful particles, revolutionizing firefighter hood barrier safety.

Groundbreaking technology

DuPont™ Nomex® NanoFlex Technology

The addition of DuPont™ Nomex® NanoFlex Technology to a firefighter hood composite structure provides improved particle barrier protection in the neckline and upper jaw area that historically are known to be the most vulnerable and least protected.

See the difference

To evaluate barrier performance, wear trials were conducted with hoods containing the DuPont™ Nomex® NanoFlex Technology barrier integrated between knit layers on one side. After the trials, the hoods were turned inside out and inspected for contamination. Compare the amount of particles penetrating the hood with or without the paper-thin Nomex® NanoFlex Technology protective layer.

Outside of the hood

Hood inside out - This side with DuPont™ Nomex® NanoFlex Technology

Hood inside out with traditional layers

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