VIKING Fire Hood

Meet the next-gen protection: VIKING’s triple-layered hoods safeguard your neck, ears, and jaw from hazardous particles without sacrificing comfort.

Innovative Particle Barrier with DuPont™ Nomex® Nano Flex

Each hood features a paper-thin layer of DuPont™ Nomex® Nano Flex between knit layers, creating an effective barrier against particles. This material is highly breathable and flame-resistant, ensuring you stay comfortable while being protected.

Unmatched protective barrier

See the difference in performance

We put our hoods to the test. In wear trials, we compared hoods with DuPont™ Nomex® Nano Flex barriers on one side to those without. After the trials, we inverted the hoods and inspected them for contamination. The results were clear: hoods with the Nomex® Nano Flex layer offered superior particle penetration protection.

Outside of the hood

Hood inside out - This side with DuPont™ Nomex® Nano Flex

Hood inside out with traditional layers

Protect your neck, ears, and jaw from hazardous particles with the advanced technology of VIKING’s hoods, designed specifically for the demands of firefighting.